by | May 2, 2016 | Competitions | 0 comments

After last Dota2 Cup which wasn’t held in best way this week is coming new cup which will be held at Sunday 8.5.2016. at 6pm.

Reason of transfering it to Sunday is mine ( gicago) absence at Saturday and for next tournaments we will see which time is best for you and for us.

Applications for Cup will be done via our page where you can see on FAQ part some informations about how page works.

Namely, it is about web applications through which would be able to apply for our Dota2 cups. Shortly, you sign in into Steam on page, register your Dota2 team which you made ingame and apply with button apply team.

After registration team page will withdraw MMR of players via yasp page and calculate team MMR which will be used for seed of cup. It is important to say that MMR would not be correct every time but it will be enough for defining seed.

With that we would warn you that this is BETA version and it will be first time use of it. If you find any bugs or, even better, if you have suggestion please go to our forum and and write your review with using page.

This way I would like to say thanks to our Potatoman which done great jobĀ  and made simplier applications and maintenance of tournament. In the future, there would be more news about CroHQ Dota app.

Translated by: javolimkatarinu